Thursday, November 20, 2014
Winter has arrived
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Puke and earache
We had a little hiccup with Logan tonight. He is on a new low calorie diet which involves a new formula. This new formula is made from real food but requires him to get larger volumes at a time. His nurses have been slowly increasing the volume every two days. Tonight he had a sneezing fit and vomited. This wouldn't be a big deal except that he had a procedure last spring called a Nissan Fundoplication that was done to prevent Logan from refluxing and vomiting so we could feed him into his stomach verses further into the GI track as we had been.
The nurse caught it as it happened and suctioned most of it before it hopefully could have been aspirated into his lungs. Before Logan's trach, he had frequent hospitalizations due to aspiration pneumonia. We have worked very hard to prevent this post trach and have been successful.
I will be in touch with GI tomorrow to see if we should slow down his feedings and allow his tummy more time to stretch. I'm praying that his tummy surgery remains as is and that he was just pushed a little too hard, too fast. Poor bubba!
On a funny note, at least I think it's funny but I'm sure he is mortified...we are trialing new big boy diapers. He has outgrown the store bought sizes. The medical supply company sent out samples and it has been comical. You should see how big they are! His crotch is only so wide! It looks like a big lump between his legs. There is one type that will work ok. It's still bulky but we only get so many options. I wish they made better diapers for toddler/youth kiddos like Logan. Fun colors or logos would make it a little easier. It would be great if they looked a little more like underwear. I'm just sayin!
I know my last post was pretty emotional. Thank you to all that commented, texted, and asked how things are going. This journey is a roller coaster ride! I appreciate when others take time out of their day to check in and pass on words of encouragement. You are all The Best!!
Now I am putting my attention to miss Lauren as she battles an earache tonight. I lay next to her as she snores and dreams out loud. She has been up on and off a few times. I'm hoping the ear drops I snuck in do the trick! She truly is a trooper when it comes to being sick. She downplays everything and most of the time we don't realize she is sick until she has a raging fever or is puking. She is such a rock!