Tuesday, August 11, 2015



What a great summer it has been. We are very fortunate for the wonderful summer Minnesota has given us! Logan has spent some quality time outdoors! I always wish for more but Mosquitos can be a hindrance. They really love to bite his face. Last week he had a bite under his eye and on his forehead. No big deal but he can't itch them! We are so thankful for Benadryl cream!

Well I have fun things to report and I know this is rare. Most of the time it is a depressing doctors appointment or change in symptoms. Not this time!

Last week we had some great Logan moments. I came home from work one evening and he was in bed. I went in and gave him a hug. It isn't your usual hug. I have to take his arm and wrap it around my neck. But once I do he relaxes, closes his eyes and slows his breathing. All is right with the world in those moments. 

So that is what I did and then I sat with him trying to relax him for bedtime. Lately he has been a night owl because of his medication regimen . Nine pm is prime awake time! So I was in his room, did the hug/cuddle routine and said goodnight. As I pulled my arm away to leave the room he opened one eye and looked at me. I knew he was scoping me out hoping I would stay to cuddle longer. So I did and this happened about three more times until I figured him out. Finally I didn't say good night but slipped away and he stayed sound asleep!

My heart melted knowing he was aware of me being there. I felt so significant to him in that moment. It can be hard to find those connections with him at times. 

Tonight is a good example. I came home from work and went straight to him to say hello. No matter what I did he just wanted to watch toy story. I have to chalk that up to being a four year old almost five year old. He isn't always going to want to be involved with me and I have to be ok with that.

Oh what a mommy bummer!!!!

Otherwise life is pretty good. His seizure status really hasn't improved. He has had a couple of big seizures in his wheelchair in the past week which is abnormal. We pray for control of them soon. He is staying healthy, knock on wood. The plan is to put him back in school but to hold him back in the class he was in last year. Three days a week with his same amazing teacher seems much more do able than a longer day with a new set up. I wish it was different but we need to understand his stamina is not what it used to be. I love spending this time of year getting him and Lauren ready for school.

She is beyond ready to start first grade. She is chomping at the bit to see her friends and be given a challenge. I have been so extremely proud of her with Logan. The other night it was me, her, and Logan. We didn't have a nurse. She jumped in and suctioned him a handful of times. 

I never ask her to help with his cares. I don't want her to feel obligated. She was so sweet to jump in and help and when it was time for bed, she asked if they could have a sleepover in his bed. My heart melted again! I'm so grateful for them both. I'm the luckiest mom ever!