Saturday, December 20, 2014
Neuro Appt
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Well Logan was having a decent day until tonight. He was sleepy today but otherwise no issues. I went to sit next to him this evening as he seemed in distress, maybe on the verge of either a seizure or a sneeze. It was a sneeze coming on which means lots of secretions so I had the catheter ready and in his mouth. Next thing I knew, I could smell puke. I was thankfully suctioning it out of his mouth as it was happening. Hopefully preventing it from aspirating into his trach.
Ugh. I had called his gastroenterology office this morning to inquire about this same problem we have had as of lately. I was hoping it was a one off deal but I think we have a problem. Either his Nissen surgery was not good enough or we are giving him more volume than he can handle.
For this evening, the nurse is venting his stomach. This means we let the stomach contents drain from his G tube into a diaper and allow his tummy to decompress. For all we know he could be fighting a tummy bug but that is unlikely. I have a feeling we are up against a surgery that was not 100% successful or a tummy that just can't handle what we are giving it.
I asked the nurse to change his trach to lessen the chance of a lung infection. The change went perfectly. But after the vomiting, he was so shaky. Something I am not used to. I felt so bad watching him in distress. He appeared so uncomfortable, just like any other child that just vomited. Lauren is always a little weepy afterwards and the look on his face was the same. Poor Bubba. Hopefully we have a handle on it for the night. I think we were able to prevent the vomit from going into his trach. Fingers crossed!
I have to say I am a little nervous about the conversations I have heard about this years flu vaccine. I have my own research to do but it sounds like the efficacy is in question. Yikes, hopefully kiddos like Logan can stay away from catching this yucky virus. I know we all have to remain on high alert but I know my mommy feelers are up. Is it time to post sanitizer at the doors of the house, maybe not a bad idea. I'm just saying!
For now we remain vigilant on all fronts. It's a viral "war zone" out there. You never know where it is coming from!