Sunday, March 3, 2013


This past Saturday, March 2nd marked a big day in our lives. Our friend Carmen, put on a benefit for Logan. This event has been in the works since Logan was in the hospital November thru December. During that time, Carmen came to us and offered to put on a benefit for Logan.

It was very hard for Joel and I to accept the help. I personally did not feel we were deserving of such a gesture. We should be pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps and taking care of our child's needs. We quickly learned that our stubborn ways of doing it all ourselves was not going to hold up forever.

We needed help. During the big hospital stay, Joel and I were taught by many kind friends and family that it is okay to receive help. It is not a sign of weakness. And I have to say, accepting the help took a lot of the weight off our shoulders.

Now back to Carmen. She offered to put on a benefit. Before Logan was even out of the hospital, she had many important tasks complete. After he left the hospital, we set a date and Carmen went into superwoman mode! She mobilized Team Logan, obtained donation after donation, and took time from her busy life as a wife, mother, and nurse practitioner. These were only a few examples. I will never know how much she really did because she allowed me to just be Logan's mom. We touched base from time to time, but I was really just a spectator to it all. I am so grateful she allowed me to sit in coach for this one. Life after Logan's tracheostomy has had it's share of difficulties so I was able to remain focused on Logan's needs.

We arrived to the benefit shortly after it began. Joel had gone early to set up. I walked in with my mom, Lauren, niece Madelyn, Nurse Kimberly, and Logan. Logan was passed out in Kimberly's arms. As we walked in, a flood of emotions came over me. We walked into this huge room (part of Carmen's church) that was bustling with activity. There were booths, games, a bouncy house, food, silent auction, raffle table, and the list goes on. At each station were volunteers. On our arrival the turnout was already incredible. Everyone was smiling and you could just feel the excitement in the air.

I had a hard time holding back the tears. It was so overwhelming. I felt so proud to be Logan's mom. This child of mine is incredible. Only two years old and he is bringing people together in ways we never would have expected. So I cried. And it felt good.

The next few hours seem a blur. We saw so many friendly faces and met many new Team Logan supporters. Logan was a champ through the whole thing. He must have known it was a big day because his tracheostomy and oral secretions were so well controlled. He was on his best behavior!

I wish I knew what he thought of it all. I am sure he was curious why all these different people kept coming up to see him. He was so calm and just watched it all with his intense brown eyes. My favorite interactions of Logan's were with other children. It amazes me how curious and concerned other kids are of Logan. It is always refreshing to have a conversation with a kiddo because it is so cut and dry. They ask why he has a trach or why he is in a wheelchair. I give a quick explanation and on they go about their business.

So the benefit began to wrap up. Kids were tired and adults were waiting patiently to see if they won an awesome auction item. It then came time for some announcements. Carmen brought our family up front and said such kind words. I, was a blubbering fool. Standing up there and looking across the crowd of people was surreal. They were all there to support Logan and our family. How did we get so lucky? What did we ever do to deserve such kind acts by so many?

Immediately after the gathering I had a pit in my stomach. I realized I didn't speak. I was so emotional and felt like a puddle of jello. I wanted so much to have thanked Carmen and all of the supporters. So here I am, now with my wits about me to say thank you. I hope many that attended and donated can read this as this is what I wanted to say!

Carmen, Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. 
Your kindness and generosity will be forever in our memories 
We don't know how we could ever pay you back for this incredible gift
You are an angel on earth, brought to our lives for a reason
I will never forget the day you stood in Logan's hospital room and said you felt led to do this for him
You are a leader who has a gift
You have the ability to share your enthusiasm and love with so many without hesitation
Your selflessness is contagious 

Carmen, I hope you are prepared, because now you are stuck with us and I hope we will be lifelong friends!

 A huge thanks to your husband Brian and your boys. 
They shared you with us these past few months and for that we are forever grateful

I wish I could thank each individual who helped in one way or another
I hope you all know how thankful we are for the donations of time, money, supplies, and food
The money raised during this benefit is an example of the incredible support of our Team Logan community

We are also thankful for the continued prayers for Logan
The road ahead is full of great unknowns
To have such a bountiful network of support is uplifting
We are not alone on this journey
Logan is not alone
He is carried through prayer and love each and every day by the support of those his life has touched

Thank you Carmen
Thank you Team Logan

With great love and gratitude,
The Zacher's

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