I haven't posted a medical update on Logan in a while. Logan has been awesome! We are almost four months out since discharge from the hospital. The tracheostomy was truly the right decision. He has had a couple of colds since leaving the hospital but all have been treatable at home.
We have some big plans for Logan in May. He is going to have surgery. His ENT is going to remove four major saliva glands. This was a procedure that was planned last November but it all changed when he got sick. So now the surgery is back on the table. We need to get his secretions under control. You know it's bad when your suction machine can't hold a charge!
The last Wednesday of May will be the day. Logan will have the surgery and then an MRI. We have planned both at the same time so that he does not need sedation twice. It will be a long day and I plan that he will be in a lot of pain for the first 24 hours. He will be in the hospital for a few days.
I am hoping we will have his MRI results quickly. I don't want to get my hopes up that we will have the results while he is in the hospital. ENT will be the admitting team and neurology will have nothing to do with it so most likely we won't hear the results right away. It seems odd, but this is the way the system works.
I am more nervous about the MRI than the surgery. Seems a little odd doesn't it! I am scared that the MRI will be abnormal. At the same time, an abnormal result means we may be able to understand what is going on with Logan. I want to know what is causing my child's disability but I am so scared to hear the truth. Ignorance helps us get from day to day. Answers could be devastating. I know it is only a possibility and that answers may bring us peace. Unfortunately, the ER nurse in me thinks of all scenarios both good and bad.
In the end, the MRI results may be as normal as the rest. We may wind up in the same place we are today. That leads me to the other team looking for a diagnosis...genetics. Logan's exome sequencing of his DNA will not be back in May as planned. I think I have blogged about this previously. The lab is behind as it is inundated with samples from many people. For now, we wait. This is something easy to wait for as it is not on our radar on a daily basis. It is still frustrating to wait, so it better be worth it!
For now, we are braving what is hoped to be the last snow storm of the year. Minnesota has had some whacky weather. We started our morning with thunder and then had a boat load of snow come down.
I hope you enjoy some pics of Logan in his Batman sunglasses! We are gearing up for spring regardless of what it looks like outside.
That is awesome news, 4 months without a hospitalization. I remember when Boo was so little and sick and I bragged once that we had gone a whole 2 months without seeing a doctor. A strange milestone, but it was hers! Fingers crossed for continued health.