Lauren just celebrated her fifth birthday but she insists she is six. Why you ask? She had two parties therefore she had a fifth birthday party so her second party had to have been her sixth birthday party. I'm not sure how we are going to fix this snafu. She is so stubborn and my tactics have yet to change her mind! Oh well. I guess we will skip being five and have to explain the mathematical error to her when she is older and we can embarrass her! This is one of the fun reasons to write a blog, memories are logged forever!
As for Logan, life is good. I have to knock on wood when I say that. Lauren was sick with a fever last week and I was sure that Logan would catch it. So far so good. I thank that trach every day for the improved quality of life for Logan. It's seems odd to say but it is true. He is doing great at preschool. His nurses say that they keep him busy the entire time. It sounds like his school has some awesome adapted equipment. I am jealous! I want spin art hooked to a switch for Logan! I guess that is what makes school so special for him.
Soon Logan will celebrate his third birthday. Wow, he is getting so big. There were many days that I didn't think we would be celebrating his third birthday. As we creep closer and closer to November, the memories of his last illness rush back like it was yesterday. We almost lost him. Wow, what a blessing we have been given. Life is so fragile yet Logan powers through it like a body builder! I can't wait to blog about his party!
So for now, updates may be few and far between as we adjust to having both kids in preschool, tons of family fall birthdays, and mommy starting a full time job. Thanks for keeping Logan and our family in your prayers. We are coming up on flu season. It is a scary time of year for families like ours so make sure you think long and hard about immunizing yourself. We cannot live in a bubble but we can do our part to not pass germs like influenza and pertussis with the help of vaccines. It is a very personal choice but please think of those in your community with compromised immune systems when deciding to vaccinate or not.
Ok, now off my soap box! Can you blame a momma for trying? Hope to write again soon...