He was born two days after his due date. Our OB was working that weekend so she offered to induce me that Friday. I had a smooth pregnancy and was ready to have him. We arrived after lunch and the medications were started after 1:00pm. By 5:00pm, the doctor decided it was time to break my water. Minutes after, the contractions were fast and furious. I requested an epidural with the help of my mother! Unfortunately it would not be in time. Before I knew it, I was having an extreme urge to push and I knew there was no stopping the train. I remember looking at the nurse saying I had to push. She must have gotten my drift. Instead of encouraging me to breathe through it and resist pushing she called the team in and prepped the room. Next thing I knew, the doctor arrived and ten minutes later our angel came into the world.
I will never forget the pain I endured during those moments but it was one of the most productive times in my life. I felt so proud to have brought this handsome baby boy into the world. Joel and I were over the moon.
The journey since that joyous day has had its ups and downs. Through it all, my handsome, porcelain skin, brown eyed, cuddle bug perseveres. He has taught me how to be a better mother and a more patient and forgiving human being. He has taught me true unconditional love.
His second year of life had a rocky start with the first portion spent in the hospital. Since that time he has remained home. He is in preschool and has friends. He is finding his voice again with assistive technology. He loves watching the iPad and reading books with his sister. He and dad watch sports together. As for Logan and I, we cuddle, we talk, and he blows me kisses.
Logan, I know our future is full of unknowns. You live with an undiagnosed condition that affects everything you do. But despite it all, you wake up every day calm and ready to take on the world. I am so proud to be your mom.
Happy Birthday Bubba! We love you!