Sunday, September 16, 2012

Week in review

We have just wrapped up a busy week! Logan fought off a cold that he and I both shared. He was beginning to get pretty sick so our nurse Bonnie called the doctor and they gave us orders to start antibiotics and steroids. It was obvious that he was on a path to full blown pneumonia which tends to lead to a hospitalization. We gave him tons of t.l.c. He recovered in a couple of days. 

Logan saw physical and speech therapy for the first time in a couple of months. The PT wants to see if we can get Logan to start rolling from his stomach to his back. He can roll to his stomach and then gets stuck like a beached whale! Our speech therapist thinks Logan's oral aversion is getting worse. He has been grinding his teeth and she thinks this is part of the aversion. We are going to start introducing some oral stimulation to try and get rid of his bad habits. We just have to be careful because of his aspiration issues. I am excited to have him back in therapy. They always see the positive things that I tend to overlook!

We found out this week that our physical therapist from the school district, Sara, will no longer be with us. Her case load has been changed around. It is such a bummer to lose her. She has been with us through most of Logan's journey. I am so thankful we have her in our lives. She is such a phenomenal advocate and is one who thinks outside of the box. We have shared tears and laughter and many fun stories. Logan could not be where he is today without Team Logan and Sara has been one of the leaders! Thank you Sara. You may not see us every week but we will most surely remain in touch.

Preschool for Lauren
Lauren started preschool this week. The first day was a parent child day. At first she was not too happy I was staying but then quickly realized she was a little scared. Lauren is very shy with new people. She did great exploring the classroom with me by her side. She had a couple of meltdowns
when other kids pushed in front of her or started playing with her toys. I have to say I am proud to see that taking turns and having boundaries are important to her but sometimes I would like to see her with more confidence. I think preschool will do the trick! 

Emergency Room
We did have a trip to the ER this weekend. On Friday night Logan had blood backing up from his feeding tube into the tubing that delivers his food. He was very fussy at the time as well. He was screaming out in pain and we couldn't figure out what was going on. He had just finished up his cough assist treatment that vibrates his chest. We figured his treatment had caused some irritation but we couldn't be sure. There was a chance that the tubing inside him had become dislodged and unfortunately we do not have X-ray vision! So we hauled him to Children's. An X-ray proved it remained in place and he appeared more comfortable. She offered to call the GI doctors to run everything by them before we left but Joel and I were happy with a normal X-ray and declined the call. We have had no trouble since that time.

This coming week we see the geneticist for another evaluation. We will see of she comes up with some other possible diseases or syndromes that we can check for. I pray we get some kind of answer but know that we could strike out again. It is so hard not knowing! 

On another note, I just found out that my Grandpa Mervyn is back in the hospital. He is battling cancer and his oxygen levels are very low. My mom and aunt are heading out there on Tuesday. I wish I could be there with them. The last time I saw him was about three years ago. My mom, sister Jackie, Lauren and I made the road trip to Ontario for my cousins wedding. During the trip we drove to Niagara Falls. During the drive my grandpa started singing to Lauren. I will never forget that moment. I still get chills thinking about it! In that moment, all was right with the world. 

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