Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Tube troubles

Last night Logan vomited pediasure. This is generally a sign that his feeding tube is out of place. I wasn't sure if the tube was perforated or out of place as we are giving him new vitamins that do not dissolve in water and have caused some close calls with tube clogging.

After starving him most of the day we got the last appointment for a feeding tube change this afternoon. My mother in law traveled with and was a great nursing assistant! Actually, she is a darn good nurse herself. 

We laid him on the radiology table and the first picture showed his tube was coiled in his stomach. The tube should go into his stomach and then travel and stop in the jejunum. 

For a routine change, the radiologist puts a wire through the old tube, pulls it out, and then threads the new tube over the wire back into place. A picture is taken with contrast material to confirm placement.

Today the tube had to be removed and the radiologist had to start from scratch. This takes a little longer and isn't the end of the world but he had to do it a few times as the placement was not ideal. The last attempt worked and we are hoping it will stay in place a while. 

Now he is tuckered out and hungry! Feeding is going and two naps are complete. Now he is ready to party!

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