Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Pat on the back

Today I am proud of myself... my labor of love is being recognized as one of the top 100 special needs resources on the web by PhDinSpecialEducation.com.

PhDinSpecialEducation.com "is a site that provides information for anyone interested in educating those with learning disabilities, and other special needs. The site is specifically for prospective students considering a degree in special education, but we strive to give our readers useful information on a wide range of special needs topics."

If anyone is interested on checking it out, go to http://phdinspecialeducation.com/special-needs/. We are #75 under the parenting tab.

This blog has been extremely therapeutic for me and to know that others see it as a resource in the world of special needs is an honor! I am so lucky to have the support of our friends, family, and readers who we may not know.

It was not easy starting this blog. I wasn't sure if I should broadcast our journey for all to see. I do not call myself a writer and surely provide many gramatical errors for all to read!

Now I know the rewards it has brought our family. We are able to educate, inform, and share. My almost two year old son is an angel on earth who has brought enormous love to my life. He has inspired me and taught me the true meaning of unconditional love. I am so proud to share his journey with all of you.

Thanks for allowing me to share Logan's Story with you!

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