MRI results are in....drum roll please...normal!!!! This is very good news. Yes, it still does not provide answers, but a normal brain is always a good thing to hear. The geneticist did mention that he has some atrophy and that is from lack of use. This is due to whatever is causing his developmental delay which is preventing him from using all parts of his brain.
We will wait about 4-6 weeks for the other lab tests (chromosomes). He did have a lactate level drawn while under sedation and they checked his lactate level in his brain and all was normal. The doctor said that now this rules out a problem related to lactic acidosis.
I did mention the letter I received from Mayo clinic. She said that it is "leaps and bounds past where I am". Sounds like she really thinks we should rule out some other things first such as a chromosomal abnormality. Sounds good to me but still leaves questions in my head about what the Mayo results really meant. I think I am going to buck up and call Mayo this week and see if the doctor can better explain her letter. I am wondering how significant the letter was on the scale of what we are testing. Maybe I am reading into it too much. We will see. As always I will keep you posted.
We are taking the kids up to the lake cabin this weekend so hopefully we will have some great pics of Logan in the water! He went in the water last year and did really well. Thanks again for all the support!
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