Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A New Tube

He did it! 

Logan now has his tracheostomy. It is a bittersweet day. The endotracheal tube is gone so we can now see his beautiful face. Now we venture down the road of learning his newest tube. I say this because this is not our first rodeo with a new tube. Don't forget he has a feeding tube. 

He is resting comfortably now. They are starting to wean him off of his sedation medications. It will be a slow process and the nurses will be watching for signs of withdrawal. There will be no monkey business with his trach site for a week. Then the ENT physician will take out the sutures/stitches, make sure the stoma (the opening in his neck) is healing well, and then we go from there. 

We will have to take a class to learn how to care for the site and tube. We will also have to demonstrate how to change and care for it. I will be busy working with our home care agency to hire and train nurses. He also needs some slow physical rehab as he has been immobile for over two weeks. 

I have to admit, I am overwhelmed right now. I have a lot of phone calls to make but some days I just don't want to do it! There are a lot of arrangements that need to be made to get us ready for home. We will be here a while but I am sure the time will go fast. I think my biggest worries are finding nursing staff and working out a good schedule. Joel keeps reminding me that it is going to be okay and that it will all work out. I know it will be okay, but right now it doesn't feel like it! So this mommy may have a few more meltdowns as the weeks go by! 

Thank you again to Team Logan! We felt your prayers carry us through today!

Orders for tonight...TLC. 

P.S. A former co-worker of mine, Carmen is putting on a benefit for Logan. There will be an event after the new year. She is also setting up an account to take donations in the meantime. I will update that information as soon as I have it. We have been fortunate to make ends meet for a long time but as his needs continue to increase so does the financial burden. We would like to make sure he has a safe environment to live in, a bedroom equipped for his needs, and the supplies and equipment to help him excel in his development. We are so thankful to have Carmen advocating for Logan as his parents can tend to be proud and stubborn! 

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