Saturday, November 10, 2012

What day is it?

I am loosing track of what day it is! Oh well! On the bright side, Mr. Logan had a great night. He slept well. The nurse worked really hard overnight to help loosen up the crud in his lungs. He again didn't tolerate his vest treatment and had a drop in his oxygen saturation. Otherwise all was well.

Intensivist said his chest X-ray was about the same. He plans to continue to let Logan rest and see what his lungs look like tomorrow. They will continue his vest and nebulizer treatments and continue to manage the ventilator settings to optimize his oxygenation. If there is worsening of his respiratory status along the way they may decide to perform a bronchoscopy (washing out of the lungs) but only if worse. Thus far he has remained quite stable. Only time and Logan will tell.

He is receiving phenobarbital as an adjunct sedation medication. He has been waking up regularly and fighting the vent. The nurses were constantly having to give him a muscle relaxer. The doctor added the new medication this morning and so far it is working. He has also decreased the antibiotics as we know this is a virus. The reasons to stay on antibiotics are to prevent a secondary infection but too much antibiotic use can kill off some of the normal flora (bacteria that lives in your body at baseline).

All in all, today will be a day to sit and watch Logan breathe and sleep! He will have some visitors today. Thank you to those that came to visit yesterday. We had some nice surprise visitors! Continued thanks for all the support and prayers!

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