Sunday, November 11, 2012


I am not at the hospital right now. Mommy is sick and home resting. I plan to return this afternoon after a good nap! Joel called with an update this morning. Logan had a fever of 102 last night. They are treating it with Tylenol and keeping it under control. His xray is unchanged and the pulmonologist is going to add another medication to help break up the crud in his lungs. I am not sure the name of it. The doctors think the fever is related to the virus as he has been on many antibiotics throughout.

Joel is also sick so my sister is on her way to the hospital to trade places. Unfortunately this virus is hitting Joel and I. I am sure the tiny bit of stress we have been under is not helping our situation!!! Otherwise, Joel says Logan has been out cold with the sedation. Today we ask for some extra prayers and strength headed his way. His progress has been pretty stagnant the past few days and the fever does not help the situation. Time and Logan will continue to dictate the situation. Thanks as always!

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