Sunday, November 18, 2012

Fighting the Sedation

After a nice warm bed bath Logan is resting peacefully, at least for a little while! My son seems to be trying to break through all of his sedation. Last night he had the nurse busy! He had his arms going all different ways. It was so funny, he would be sleeping soundly and the next thing you know he would be moving all over the place. I take this as a good sign, he is getting stronger!

Logan has had a great couple of days. Equipment is once again being slowly taken out of his room. His arterial line was taken out this morning. They have stopped a few medications and added some new ones. He is taking breaths on his own. 

The tentative plan is to keep him sedated and finish getting him on track. He may have the tracheostomy on Tuesday. We will know the exact date and time on Monday. 

Joel spent a few nights at home with his parents and Lauren. Lauren seems to be doing well. I think the shuffle from place to place is becoming somewhat normal to her. She doesn't seem sad and she seems to understand that Logan is in the hospital and is sick. She had a day at preschool last week and two days at daycare. All in all, I think she will survive this with minimal scarring! 

I have had a hard time going home. I decided to stay at the hospital and had great visitors and took time away for meals and even went and bought some new jeans and boots. I feel so bad that I didn't go home last night to spend with family and friends, but it is so hard to be at home without Logan. So tonight Joel and I are both staying at the hospital. It will be nice to have some time with him as we have almost been like ships passing in the night.

If you do not hear from me tomorrow that should mean Logan is having a great day. I will keep everyone posted on his surgery date. Happy Sunday!

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