Sunday, November 4, 2012


Logan had a seizure this morning while we were visiting with our family this weekend. He spiked a fever at 1am. At 5am he still had a fever. I gave him some ibuprofen and within a few minutes my mother in law and I noticed his arm shaking and he was gazing off to the side. He would not respond to me and the shaking worsened. We called 911. While waiting for the ambulance he stopped breathing. Thank god I had the oxygen and ambu bag to help him breathe. The paramedics arrived just after he stopped breathing. They attempted to intubate him but he started gagging and started to breathe on his own. He called for a second ambulance and a helicopter.

We went to an airport a couple minutes away and met the helicopter. The flight nurse attempted to intubate him again but he was clenched down from the seizure. They decided to transport him as they were able to maintain his airway and he was intubated on arrival to the ER. He is now in the PICU at St. Cloud Hospital. The seizure stopped after a boat load of meds. The doctor is working to rule out infection. He had a CT scan of his brain that was normal. Urine is clear. They have performed a lumbar puncture to rule out meningitis. His chest xray looks good. He has a central line and is on dopamine (a medication to keep his blood pressure up). They have him on sedatives and pain medication to keep him comfortable and they are going to start monitoring for seizures.

The doctor does think he has an ear infection! Of all things, an ear infection! The doctor thinks he had a febrile seizure. I am worried that it lasted so long despite getting Ativan and Versed...he was seizing for about two hours. The doctor agreed and said neurology will be consulting. He gave me the option to have him transferred to Children's. Right now I want him stable and then we can decide but he is getting great care here.

Logan is in need of some major prayers right now. He is such a fighter! He almost slipped through my fingers today. I don't think I have ever been so scared in my entire life. I have a raging headache and queezy stomach, but I have my baby boy. That's all that matters. As always, I will update the blog as I have more news.

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